Abhishek Bachchan took two days off from the shoot of Rakyesh Omprakash Mehra's Delhi and 6 is back in the city of Jaipur, to be with his wife Aishwarya Rai, on Valentine's Day.
The couple will celebrate its first Valentine together, and will also be present at the premiere of Aishwarya Rai Jodhaa Akbar.
A source of unity 6 informs Delhi, "Abhishek was very excited about her first Valentine's Day after marriage.
Although he initially wanted to surprise Aishwarya Rai landing up in Mumbai, without him say on the subject, later he decided to inform. Mehra has been requested to give him two days off.
Mehra gladly accepted and gave him a few days off. "Abhishek returned to the city last night and it is expected to have a lunch date with his wife.
The couple will then attend the premiere of his film Jodhaa, Aishwarya, Akbar of Imax Adlabs in Wadala. Abhishek then join his unit on Friday morning.
The rest of the cast including Atul Kulkarni and Divya Dutta are still in Jaipur shooting for the film.
Incidentally, even the father should be Bachchan in Mumbai for the first. It will arrive today Simla, where he is shooting for Shoe Bite.
The whole family with Bachchan Amar Singh, will attend the opening of Jodhaa Akbar.