Bollywood's famous family Bachchan lead a mass of movie stars in a brilliant show that will travel around the world to promote the hindi-language films.Legendary actor Amitabh Bachchan, his son Abhishek star and daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai, a former Miss World, will be the culmination of years-long show, which begins Friday. Shows on stage - in which actors in Bollywood top of the dance popular film songs - is a big draw for Indians living abroad and a big pot of money for the stars.
"It is almost a decade since I went to do so at any time show on this scale. In our first stage of our tour we will cover 11 cities in Europe, the USA and Canada," said Amitabh Bachchan in Mumbai late Friday.
The actors of Bollywood dance to 70 songs and will be accompanied by 40 professional dancers on stage.
The players will go to Africa and Southeast Asia, before returning to India, where they will perform in several cities. Rehearsals have been underway for several weeks. "We have all rehearsals for all the songs and dances by the end of a month before the show. We look forward to meet all our fans across the world," said Aishwarya Rai.