"Yes, it is close to Rs.40 million. And it is very amused when she reads that she is the highest-paid actress in Bollywood. With three shots in a row," guru "," Dhoom 2 "and "Jodhaa Akbar ', Aishwarya Rai's equity at the Rai Bachchan and went through the roof," said a source close to Aishwarya.
"It is not surprising that Aishwarya Rai becoming Rs.40 million. It is still chickens compared to bringing Rajnikant home. He took home Rs.150 million more than fifty percent of its profits from the film. But even he could not make a film commercially viable outside the Tamil belt on his own.
"The dubbed Hindi version of" Chandramukhi "come and go. Rajni and greatest hit" Shivaji - The Boss is in no hurry to be released in Hindi. With Ash in 'robot' it looks like a beautiful film not regional, "said another source close to the project.