Green-eyed Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai and his family intended to captivate public throughout the world with multi-million pounds all-singing, all dancing tour on five continents.Her stepfather, Amitabh Bachan, an image actor whose films have increased £ 450 million in a career of four decades, is the brains behind "The Unforgettable Tour." The production kicks off in Toronto on July 18, before moving to Britain O2 scene and 26 other sites from the Netherlands in Kuwait and Singapore.
In 2007, when Aishwarya Rai - a SPOKESMODEL FOR L'Oreal and the star of next year Pink Panther 2 - married the son of Amitabh, Abhishek, which is also included in the show this summer, their wedding was the center of 'feverish excitement in India.
The family hoped their three-hour spectacular will be greeted with similar enthusiasm, winning new fans of Bollywood.